Government Decision no. 1308 dated 11/20/2002
for the application of Law no.365/2002 on e-commerce
Chapter I: General provisions
For the use of these standards, the word law designates Law no. 365/2002 on e-commerce.
Art. 2.
On Romania’s territory, the emission of electronic money instruments accepted as payment by other entities besides the issuer is done in agreement with the provisions of Rule no.4/2002 of the National Bank of Romania.
Art. 3.
On Romania’s territory, the transactions made by means of electronic payment means and the relations between the participants in these transactions are done in agreement with the provisions of Rule no.4/2002 of the National Bank of Romania on the transactions carried out by means of electronic payment instruments and the relations between the participants in these transactions, published in Official Journal no. 503 dated July 12, 2002.
Art. 4.
The insurance activities, as part of the information society services, are carried out in Romania on the basis of the authorisation previously issued by the Insurance Monitoring Commission, in agreement with the provisions of Law no.32/2002, regarding the insurance and insurance monitoring companies, with the further on modifications.
Art. 5.
(1) The Authority as well as the public authorities, defined in art.17 paragraph (1) of the law, have the obligation to publish, for consultation, on their own web-page, the projects and measures of general interest regarding the information society services they initiate according to their competence in the matter.
(2) The projects and measures mentioned at paragraph (1) will be accompanied by documents on the motivations laying at the basis of the propositions as well as information on: the document publishing date, the dead line for making observations and the estimated date for the adoption of the measure that is the subject of the consultation.
(3) All those having required the introduction of their e-mail address on the correspondence list of the initiator of the respective measure or project will be informed on the launching of the consultation at the document publication date at the latest.
(4) From the moment the text subject to consultation is published on the Internet page, any interested person is given at least 30 days to make observations in writing. When the measures must be adopted under emergency regime, this term is of at least 10 days from the date of the text publication.
(5) The measure or project under consultation can be adopted in 10 days after the observation deposition period has expired.
(6) At the latest at the date the decision to adopt the measure is published the initiator is bound to publish a synthesis material of the received observations also stating his (her) position to these observations.
Art. 6.
An entity created for the protection of consumers in the EU member states has the capacity to bring to action for actions mentioned in art.19 paragraph (1) of the law if it meets the following conditions cumulatively:
a) it is a public authority created for the protection of the collective interests of the consumers in a EU member state with attributions in the domains provided by the e-commerce law, according to the criteria specified in the national laws;
b) it is mentioned in the EC communication on the entities qualified to bring an action regarding the protection of the consumers’ interests in other EU members states, under the conditions of the European agreement setting up an association between Romania, on the one hand and the European Communities and their member states on the other, signed at Brussels on February 1, 1993, ratified by Law no.20/1993;
c) through the action or inaction against the e-commerce law provisions which is invoked in the legal action, the collective interests of the consumers in the state where the entity is part of, are affected.
Chapter II: Commercial communications
Art. 7.
(1) Commercial communications by e-mail are forbidden except for the case when the recipient previously expressed his express consent to receive such communications.
(2) The consent mentioned in paragraph (1) can be obtained in any form and can be proven by any proving means. The proving task belongs to the service provider.
(3) The consent communicated by a message sent by e-mail is valid only if the following conditions are met cumulatively:
a) it is sent from the mail box where the recipient wants to receive commercial communications;
b) the subject of the message is formed by the concatenation of the text “I ACCEPT COMMERCIAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM”, written with capitals and the name or denomination of the person on behalf of whom the commercial communications are sent.
(1) The subject of the messages sent by electronic mail, representing commercial communications, must begin with the word “ADVERTISING” written in capitals.
(2) The commercial communications must include at least the following information on the person on behalf of whom they are made:
a) full name or denomination;
b) residence or headquarters;
c) telephone and fax numbers
d) e-mail address.
(1) The recipient of the commercial communications has the right to revoke his (her) consent to receive such communications by simply notifying the provider.
(2) The provider is bound to implement a free of charge procedure, accessible including by electronic means, by means of which the recipient may revoke his (her) consent.
(3) Revoking the consent by electronic means must be effective in 46 hours at the most from its initiation.
(4) The provider must make the procedure mentioned in paragraph (2) public on his (her) own Internet page and within the messages including commercial communications.
Chapter II: Information and activity character
(1) The Authority will create and maintain a public list containing the decisions of the public authorities on the illegal character of certain information and services in the domain of information society services.
(2) The public authorities issuing decisions on the illegal character of certain information and services in the domain of information society services are bound to send a copy of that decision to the Authority. The Authority will publish de decision on its own Internet page and on the list provided by paragraph (1).
(1) The service providers of information society services offering the services provided for by arts. 12 to 15 of the law are not bound to monitor the information they send or store and are nor bound to actively search for data regarding apparently illegal activities or information in the domain of information society services that they supply.
(2) The obligations provided for by art.16 paragraph (1) and (3) of the law are considered as fulfilled if the service providers having received a complaint or claim from any person regarding apparently illegal activities carried out by the recipients of his (her) services or regarding apparently illegal information supplied by those, notifies in 24h at the latest, the competent public authorities and take all the measures not to alter the respective information.
(3) The service providers have the obligation to implement a free of charge procedure by means of which complaints or claims may be sent to them from any person regarding the apparently illegal activities carried out by the recipients of their services or regarding apparently illegal information supplied by those.
(4) The procedure mentioned in paragraph (3) must:
a) be available by electronic means also;
b) ensure the receipt of complaints or claims within 48h at the most from the moment of they were sent.
(5) The provider is bound to make the procedure provided for by paragraph (3) public on his (her) own Internet page.
[Translate to en:]
[Translate to en:] ANEXA
pentru aplicarea Legii 365/2002 privind comertul electronic
CAPITOLUL I - Dispozitii generale
Art. 1.
In intelesul prezentelor norme metodologice, cuvantul lege desemneaza Legea 365/2002 privind comertul electronic.
Art. 2.
Pe teritoriul Romaniei, emisiunea instrumentelor de moneda electronica acceptate la plata si de alte entitati in afara emitentului se face in conformitate cu prevederile Regulamentului Bancii Nationale a Romaniei nr. 4/2002 privind tranzactiile efectuate prin intermediul instrumentelor de plata electronica si relatiile dintre participantii la aceste tranzactii, publicat in M.Of. 503 din 12 iulie 2002.
Art. 3.
Pe teritoriul Romaniei, tranzactiile efectuate prin intermediul mijloacelor de plata electronica si relatiile dintre participantii la aceste tranzactii se fac in conformitate cu prevederile Regulamentului Bancii Nationale a Romaniei nr. 4/2002.
Art. 4.
Activitatile de asigurare, ca parte a serviciilor societatii informationale, se desfasoara in Romania pe baza autorizatiei prealabile emise de Comisia de Supraveghere a Asigurarilor, in conformitate cu prevederile Legii 32/2000 privind societatile de asigurare si supravegherea asigurarilor, cu modificarile ulterioare.
Art. 5.
(1) Autoritatea, precum si autoritatile publice, definite in art. 17 alin. (2) din lege, au obligatia de a publica, in vederea consultarii, pe pagina de Internet proprie proiectele si masurile de interes general privind serviciile societatii informationale pe care le initiaza conform competentei in materia respectiva.
(2) Proiectele si masurile prevazute la alin. (1) vor fi insotite de documente privind motivatiile care stau la baza propunerilor si informatii cu privire la: data publicarii documentului, data la care expira termenul de depunere a observatiilor si data estimativa la care intentioneaza sa adopte masura care face obiectul consultarii.
(3) Toate persoanele care au solicitat inscrierea adresei lor de posta electronica pe lista de corespondenta a initiatorului masurii sau proiectului in cauza vor fi informate cu privire la lansarea consultarii cel mai tarziu la data publicarii documentului.
(4) Din momentul in care textul supus consultarii este publicat pe pagina de Internet, se va acorda un termen de cel putin 30 de zile pentru depunerea de observatii in scris de catre orice persoana interesata. In situatiile in care masurile trebuie adoptate in regim de urgenta, acest termen este de cel putin 10 zile de la data publicarii textului.
(5) Masura sau proiectul supus consultarii pot fi adoptate la 10 zile de la data expirarii termenului de depunere a observatiilor.
(6) Cel mai tarziu la data publicarii pe pagina de Internet a deciziei prin care se adopta masura, initiatorul are obligatia de a publica un material de sinteza a observatiilor primite, care va preciza si pozitia sa fata de aceste observatii.
Art. 6.
O entitate constituita in scopul protectiei consumatorilor in statele membre ale Uniunii Europene are calitate procesuala activa pentru introducerea actiunii prevazute la art. 19 alin. (1) din lege daca indeplineste cumulativ urmatoarele conditii:
a) este o autoritate publica constituita in scopul protectiei intereselor colective ale consumatorilor intr-o tara membra a Uniunii Europene, cu atributii in domeniile prevazute de legea comertului electronic, conform criteriilor prevazute in legile nationale;
b) este prevazuta in comunicarea Comisiei Europene privind entitatile calificate a introduce o actiune referitoare la protectia intereselor consumatorului in alte tari membre ale Uniunii Europene, in conditiile Acordului european instituind o asociere intre Romania, pe de o parte, si Comunitatile Europene si statele membre ale acestora, pe de alta parte, semnat la Bruxelles la 1 februarie 1993, ratificat prin Legea 20/1993;
c) prin actiunea sau omisiunea contrara prevederilor legii comertului electronic, care se invoca in actiunea in justitie, sunt afectate interesele colective ale consumatorilor din statul din care face parte entitatea respectiva.
CAPITOLUL II - Comunicarile comerciale
Art. 7.
(1) Este interzisa efectuarea de comunicari comerciale prin posta electronica, cu exceptia cazului in care destinatarul si-a exprimat in prealabil consimtamantul expres pentru a primi asemenea comunicari.
(2) Consimtamantul prevazut la alin. (1) poate fi obtinut in orice forma si poate fi probat cu orice mijloc de proba. Sarcina probei revine furnizorului de servicii.
(3) Consimtamantul comunicat printr-un mesaj transmis prin posta electronica este valabil exprimat daca sunt indeplinite cumulativ urmatoarele conditii:
a) este expediat din cutia postala in care destinatarul doreste sa primeasca comunicarile comerciale;
b) subiectul mesajului este format din concatenarea textului "ACCEPT COMUNICARI COMERCIALE DIN PARTEA", scris cu majuscule, si numele sau denumirea persoanei in numele careia se vor transmite comunicarile comerciale.
Art. 8.
(1) Subiectul mesajelor transmise prin posta electronica, care constituie comunicari comerciale, trebuie sa inceapa cu cuvantul "PUBLICITATE" scris cu majuscule.
(2) Comunicarile comerciale trebuie sa cuprinda cel putin urmatoarele informatii referitoare la persoana in numele careia sunt facute:
a) numele sau denumirea completa;
b) codul numeric personal sau codul unic de inregistrare, dupa caz;
c) domiciliul sau sediul;
d) numerele de telefon si fax;
e) adresa de posta electronica.
Art. 9.
(1) Destinatarul comunicarilor comerciale are dreptul de a-si revoca consimtamantul de a primi asemenea comunicari prin simpla notificare a furnizorului.
(2) Furnizorul are obligatia de a implementa o procedura gratuita, accesibila inclusiv prin mijloace electronice, prin care destinatarul sa poata sa isi revoce consimtamantul.
(3) Revocarea consimtamantului prin mijloace electronice trebuie sa-si produca efectele in cel mult 48 de ore de la initierea procedurii.
(4) Furnizorul trebuie sa faca publica procedura prevazuta la alin. (2) pe pagina proprie de Internet si in cadrul mesajelor care contin comunicari comerciale.
CAPITOLUL III - Caracterul informatiilor si activitatilor in domeniul serviciilor societatii informationale
Art. 10.
(1) Autoritatea va crea si va mentine o lista publica ce va contine deciziile autoritatilor publice cu privire la caracterul nelegal al informatiilor sau activitatilor din domeniul serviciilor societatii informationale.
(2) Autoritatile publice care emit decizii ce privesc caracterul nelegal al informatiilor sau activitatilor din domeniul serviciilor societatii informationale sunt obligate sa trimita o copie a acelei decizii autoritatii. Autoritatea va publica decizia pe pagina proprie de Internet si in lista prevazuta la alin. (1).
Art. 11.
(1) Furnizorii de servicii ale societatii informationale, care ofera serviciile prevazute la art. 12-15 din lege, nu au obligatia de a monitoriza informatia pe care o transmit sau o stocheaza si nici obligatia de a cauta in mod activ date referitoare la activitati sau informatii cu aparenta nelegala din domeniul serviciilor societatii informationale pe care le furnizeaza.
(2) Obligatiile prevazute la art. 16 alin. (1) si (3) din lege se considera a fi indeplinite daca furnizorii de servicii care au primit o plangere sau o sesizare din partea oricarei persoane cu privire la activitatile cu aparenta nelegala desfasurate de destinatarii serviciilor lor sau cu privire la informatiile cu aparenta nelegala furnizate de acestia informeaza in cel mult 24 de ore autoritatile publice competente si intreprind toate masurile in vederea nealterarii informatiilor respective.
(3) Furnizorii de servicii au obligatia de a implementa o procedura gratuita prin care sa le fie transmise plangeri si sesizari din partea oricarei persoane cu privire la activitatile cu aparenta nelegala desfasurate de destinatarii serviciilor lor sau despre informatiile cu aparenta nelegala furnizate de acestia.
(4) Procedura prevazuta la alin. (3) trebuie:
a) sa fie disponibila si prin mijloace electronice;
b) sa asigure primirea plangerilor sau sesizarilor in termen de cel mult 48 de ore de la momentul expedierii acestora.
(5) Furnizorul are obligatia sa faca publica procedura prevazuta la alin. (3) pe pagina proprie de Internet.