Un interesant workshop pe tema dreptului de autor va avea loc in 9-10 Octombrie la Cambridge - Marea Britanie. Se pare ca exista posibilitatea unei sustineri financiare pentru cei din SE Europei.
Iata si anuntul complet mai jos :
The Foundation for Information Policy Research (FIPR) will host a
European workshop on the consultation currently being run by the
European Commission on the EU legal framework in the field of
copyright and related rights (whose deadline is at the end of
This is an opportunity to discuss our responses with consumer and user
interest groups, academics and other European partners in an open,
informal forum. Participants from the new EU member states are
especially welcome. Please forward this message as appropriate.
As well as discussing the issues in the Commission Staff Working
Paper, we have an opportunity to put forward our own vision of the
future. Topics might include the repeal of the Database Directive, DRM
and competition policy, the relationship between contract and
copyright, compulsory licensing, a fruit-of-the-poisoned-tree clause,
the reform of collecting societies, the term of protection, and a
campaign for a Digital Rights Directive.
The seminar will take place in Cambridge, UK on 9-10 October 2004. An
agenda and further information will be circulated shortly. If you are
interested in attending, please contact teresahackett@eircom.net.
We look forward to seeing you in Cambridge!