Comisia Europeana se intereseaza de monopolul societatilor de gestiune colectiva
Comsia Europeana a inceput o procedurile anti-trust importiva organizatiilor de gestiune colectiva (OGC) din domeniul dreptului de autor. Acuzatiile sunt de la faptul ca limiteaza dpdv teritorial cui ii apartine un anumit compozitor pina la faptul ca obliga autorii sa transfere drepturile doar la o societate nationala de gestiune colectiva.
Vezi :
Competition: Commission sends Statement of Objections to the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC) and its EEA members (07.02.2006)
EC marks copyright monopoly's cards (09.02.2006)
Se pare ca si OGC-urile si-au dat seama de miscare si au inceput sa propuna solutii, dar sa-si postreze monpolurile.
Vezi :
EDRI –gram NL and BE collecting societies to drop national exclusivity ( 24 08 2005)
EDRI-gram: Music: commission wants 1 internet clearing house (14 07 2005)
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European Commission starts antitrust procedure against CISAC
15 February, 2006
Copyright | Collecting societies
The European Commission has decided to open formal proceedings against the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC) and its individual national members and has sent them a Statement of Objections, as a first step in antitrust investigations
The Commission objects to parts of the contracts closed amongst national authors and composers societies. Bilaterally the societies close agreements on internet, satellite and cable transmissions.
The Commission is concerned that the royalty collectors are trying, by various methods, to ensure that each of them maintain exclusive access to broadcast royalties in the countries they operate. This might infringe on the prohibition of restrictive business practices in the EC Treaty.
The occurrence of a network between the collecting societies by means of these interlocking agreements ensures the collective societies a monopoly on their domestic markets and prevent the new entrants from getting into the copyright management market.
The contracts also include membership restrictions obliging the authors to transfer their rights only to their own national collecting society as well as territorial restrictions obliging the commercial users to get a license only from the domestic collection society, limited to the domestic territory.
CISAC has two months to present its defence in writing.
The procedure looks like a logical follow-up to the decision in 2005 to create one European internet rights clearinghouse for internet content providers. The Commission concluded that the current territorial system "is a source of considerable inefficiency" and proposed a serious reform. Following these actions the Belgian and Dutch music copyright collecting societies, SABAM and BUMA, announced last year their intention to drop their claims of national exclusivity on the licensing of online rights.
Competition: Commission sends Statement of Objections to the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC) and its EEA members (07.02.2006)
EC marks copyright monopoly's cards (09.02.2006)
EDRI -gram NL and BE collecting societies to drop national exclusivity (24.08.2005)
EDRI-gram: Music: commission wants 1 internet clearing house (14.07.2005)