Datele cu privire la traficul informational se vor pastra in UE
Cu toate actiunile din partea societatii civile ( vezi campania EDRI) prin care peste 58 000 de oameni au semnat importiva pastrarii datelor de trafic information, a mai multor organizatii care s-au declarat importiva ( printre care Camera de Comert Internationala, Confederatia Europeana a Politistilor, Controlorul European cu privire la protectia datelor personale, Consiliul Barourilor de avocati din Europa ) la presiunile Consiliul European al Ministrilor de Interne si de Justitie o asemenea directiva va fi pina la urma promovata.
Astfel , la sfirsitul lui noiembrie 2005 Comisia Parlamentului european pentru libertati civile, justitie si afaceri internet a votat pentru raportul propus de parlamentarul Alexander Alvaro care ajunge la o serie de compromisuri negociate politic.
Pe 12 decembrie Parlamentul European va vota in plen aceasta directiva. Aceasta probabil ca nu va fi respinsa .
Interesant este ca mai devreme acest an Comisia Europeana a respins o propunere similara., iar aceiasi comisie aprobase pe 7 Iunie 2005un raport de respingere a directive.
Uff- ce inseamna politica asta !
De citit si articolul publicat de Andreas Dietl in EurActiv care sumarizeaza foarte bine pozitiile partilor.
Vezi si un interviu recent cu Alexander Alvaro. ( in germana)
Daca va intereseaza si cam ce date vor trebui sa fie stocate de furnizorii de comunicatii electronice pentru 6-12 luni , vezi lista de mai jos - rezultat al compromisului adoptat de Comisia Parlamentului:
Types of data to be retained
1) Concerning Fixed Network Telephony
a) Data necessary to trace and identify the source of a communication:
(a) The calling telephone number;
(b) Name and address of the subscriber or registered user;
b) Data necessary to trace and identify the destination of a communication:
(a) The called telephone number or numbers;
(b) Name(s) and address(es) of the subscriber(s) or registered user(s);
c) Data necessary to identify the date, time and duration of a communication:
(a) The date and time of the start and end of the communication.
d) Data necessary to identify the type
of communication:
(a) The telephone service used, e.g. voice, conference call, fax and messaging services.
2) Concerning Mobile Telephony:
a) Data necessary to trace and identify the source of a communication:
(a) The calling telephone number;
(b) Name and Address of the subscriber or registered user;
b) Data necessary to trace and identify the destination of a communication:
(a) The called telephone number or numbers;
(b) Name(s) and address(es) of the subscriber(s) or registered user(s);
c) Data necessary to identify the date, time and duration of a communication:
(a) The date and time of the start and end of the communication.
d) Data necessary to identify the type of communication:
(a) The telephone service used, e.g. voice, conference call, Short Message Service, Enhanced Media Service or Multi-Media Service
e) Data necessary to identify the communication device or what purports to be the communication device:
(a) The International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) of the calling and called party;
f) Data necessary to identify the location of mobile communication equipment:
(a) The location label (Cell ID) at the start of the communication;
3) Concerning the Internet and its services
a) Data necessary to trace and identify the source of a communication:
(a) The Internet Protocol (IP) address, whether dynamic or static, allocated by the Internet access provider to a communication;
(b) The Connection Label or telephone number allocated to any communication entering the public telephone network;
(c) Name and address of the subscriber or registered user to whom the IP address or Connection Label was allocated at the time of the communication.
b) Data necessary to identify the date, time and duration of a communication:
(a) The date and time of the login and log-off of the Internet sessions based on a certain time one.
c) Data necessary to identify the communication device or what purports to be the communication device:
(a) The calling telephone number for dial-up access;
(b) The digital subscriber line (DSL) or other end point identifier of the originator of the communication;