Guvernarea Internetului - curs gratuit in engleza
V-ati intrebat vreodata cine guverneaza de fapt Internetul ? Ce rol are fiecare grup national sau international de care ati auzit - ICANN, IANA, IETF ?
Dar ce se discuta despre guvernarea pe viitor al Internetului ?
Ce fac americanii ca sa impuna o lege a neutralitatii Internetului ?
Toate astea si multe altele le puteti descoperi intr-un curs online - deosebit de bine pregatit si pus la dispozitie de Fundatia Diplo.
Ii cunosc pe unii participanti din 2006 si am auzit numai cuvinte de lauda la adresa acestui program - cei mai activi au primit si o calatorie la sesiunea IGF, unde practic se discuta si aceste lucururi.
Atentie ! Cei din Romania sunt inca in sectiunea de developing countries si deci pot primi o acoperire a costurilor de participare la acest curs.
Data limita s-a prelungit pina la 15.02.2007(initial 10 Februarie 2007), deci trebuie sa va miscati repede daca va intereseaza.
Intreg proiectul este in limba engleza
Mai jos aveti toate detaliile de care ati putea avea nevoie :
Call for Applications
Capacity Building Training Programme 2007
DiploFoundation, in cooperation with various partners, is currently accepting applications for the 2007 Internet Governance Capacity Building Training Programme.
This programme is designed to improve Internet Governance (IG) related knowledge and skills for participants mainly from developing countries and to facilitate community building among individuals with different national, cultural, and professional backgrounds.
» What
The programme offers 135 places for young professionals from diverse stakeholder backgrounds in IG related fields and is open to individuals from all around the world. Participants from developing countries are eligible to receive full scholarship support. A special bilingual Spanish-English speaking group will be formed as well.
The programme includes an online training phase, a research phase, and capacity building fellowships awarded to a number of successful participants in the programme. Fellowship opportunities include internships with partner organisations and attendance at IG related meetings, including the Internet Governance Forum later in the year.
» How
The programme includes online learning and research phases that take place over eight months:
The learning phase consists of the Foundation Course (introductory materials and activities) and the Advanced Course (advanced materials, involvement of discussion facilitators and experts, introduction of advanced online communication and discussion tools). Learning activities take place in an online classroom and include the analysis of course materials, interactive group discussions using a variety of communication tools, assignments and exams;
The research phase involves supervised collaborative online work focused on IG policy issues of highest relevance to developing countries, and is closely linked to training activities.
» Who
The training programme seeks applications from the following categories of individuals from both developed and developing countries:
officials in government ministries and departments dealing with IG related issues (e.g., telecommunications, education, foreign affairs, justice);
postgraduate students and researchers in the IG field (e.g., in telecommunications, electrical engineering, law, economics, development studies);
civil society activists in the IG field;
journalists covering IG issues;
individuals in Internet-business fields (e.g., ISPs, software developers).
» When
The 8 month programme commences on 1 March 2007. The online training phase runs from March to July 2007, followed by a research phase from July to October 2007. Fellowships placements will be offered from July 2007 through to 2008, dependent on the timing of pertinent events and meetings.
» Fee
Applicants from developing countries: full scholarships are available for all selected applicants to cover course tuition.
Applicants from developed countries: 2000 euros.
» Requirements
The applicants are required to have:
Basic awareness and interest in IG issues
Knowledge and/or experience of the multistakeholder approach in international affairs
Fluency in English
Good writing skills, ability to summarize information and focus on details
Frequent access to the Internet (dial-up connection is sufficient)
Minimum of 8 hours commitment per week during the programme
Participation in online consultations (once a week at specified times)
» Deadline
The deadline for applications is 10 February 2007.
» How to Apply
For further information and to apply, please visit
Do not hesitate to contact us at