Comisia Europeana a UE a propus o serie de modificari referitoare la legislatia privind dreptul de autor in EU .
Evident, conduce si o consultare publica...
EDRI ( European Digital Rights Initiative ) a produs o opinie referitoare la acest proiect si a chemat pentru sustinerea tuturor organizatiilor care cred ca punctele lor de vedere sunt corecte.
Cum punctul de vedere este destul de lung, ca invit sa il cititi si sa va dati cu parerea daca o asemenea pozitie trebuie sustinuta sau nu.
Deadline-ul este pe 31 Octombrie...
Propunerea asta mi se pare ce mai buna :
> " Any software vendor, anywhere in Europe, who wishes to create a
> Microsoft- compatible product, and is prevented by obscure interfaces (or
> by interfaces locked down by abuse of anti-circumvention provisions
> enacted consequent on the InfoSoc Directive), should be able to sue
> Microsoft in their national courts for injunctive relief."
Vezi mai jos si mesajul original :
European Digital Rights , the Foundation for Information
Policy Research , and Vereniging Open-source Nederland have developed a joint response to the EU Commission
consultation on the review of the EU ''acquis communautaire'' in the
field of copyright and related rights.
If your organisation wishes to endorse this response, please write an
e-mail indicating the organisation's name, your first and second name and
position within the organisation, along with your e-mail address for
verification, to brussels AT
This Consultation ends on October 31, so please make sure to send your
endorsements at the very latest on that day at noon!
Full text of the response at
More info on the European Commission's consultation at