Biblioteca de Drept si ITC
Cu sprijinul Centrului pentru Jurnalism Independent (CJI) am realizat in cadrul Bibliotecii CJI o sectiune cu carti din domeniul dreptului tehnologiei informatiei si comunicatiilor. Catalogul bibliotecii poate fi consultat la Titlurile din lista de mai jos au un cod aparte in colectia biliotecii, marcat IT. Pentru a le regasi tastati ‘IT” in campurile: toate cuvintele sau subiecte
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Multumiri celor ce au donat carti pentru biblioteca (in ordine cronologica): Alin Popescu, Adela Danciu, Costin Ciobanu, Mike Susong, Maxim Dobrinoiu, Joseph Cannataci, Traian Paicu, Orlando si (prin intermediul carora am primiti carti de 1000 de RON)
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Acesta este un proiect non-profit, fara o finantare directa sau indirecta. Daca doriti sa sponsorizati Biblioteca nu ezitati sa ma contactati la adresa de mai sus. Daca puteti doar sa donati bani pentru biblioteca sau pentru achizitionarea de noi carti, va rog sa o faceti apasind pe butonul de mai jos.
Carti Drept ITC in limba romana
- Despre afacerile online si problemele lor juridice. Confesiunile unui fost vanzator de incredere, Alin Popescu, 2009
- Infractiuni prevazute in legi speciale (contine infractiunile informatice)/ Mihai Adrian Hotea, Maxim Dobrinoiu, 2008
- Monitorizarea atitudinilor discriminatorii in mediul on-line romanesc, Institutul pentru Politici Publice, 2007
- Informatica juridica si drept informatic / Ioana Vasiu, 2007
- Infractiuni in domeniul informatic / Maxim Dobrinoiu, 2006
- Prevenirea criminalitatii informationale / Ioana Vasiu, Lucian Vasiu, 2006
- Retele Windows: servere si clienti. Exemple practice / Adrian Munteanu, Valerica Greavu-Serban, Gabriel Cristescu, 2004
- Ghid introductiv pentru aplicarea dispozitiilor legale referitoare la criminalitatea informatica, 2004
- Utilizarea calculatorului si a serviciilor electronice: ghid pentru functionarii publici , 2004
- Criminalitatea informatica / Tudor Amza, Cosmin Petronel Amza, 2003
- Proiectarea siturilor WEB: design si functionalitate / Sabin Buraga; cuvant inainte de Stefan Trausan-Matu, 2002
- Cum functioneaza calculatoarele / Ron White; ilustratii: Timothy Downs; traducere: Doru Sorin Voin, 2002
- Totul despre hackeri. Cybercriminali, sau rebeli cu o cauza? / Ioana Vasiu, 2001
- Internetul si dreptul / Victor Valeriu Patriciu, Ioana Vasiu, Serban-George Patriciu, 1999
- Informatica juridica si drept informatic / Ioana Vasiu, Lucian Vasiu, 1999
- Criminalitatea informatica / Ioana Vasiu, 1998
- Dreptul la intimitate: ascultarile clandestine si captarea imaginilor in ascuns / Mr. Eliodor Tanislav, 1997
Carti Drept ITC in limba engleza
- Computer Misuse: response, regulation and the law / Stefan Fafinski, 2009
- Computers and the Law: an introduction to basic legal principle and their application in cyberspace / Robert Dunne, 2009
- Electronic Commerce and International Private Law: a study of electronic consumer contracts / Lorna E. Gillies, 2008
- The Public Domain: enclosing the commons of the mind / James Boyle, 2008
- Information Technology Law / Ian J, Lloyd, 2008
- E-commerce Law / Paul Todd, 2007
- Information Technology Law / Diane Rowland, Elizabeth MacDonald, 2007
- The law of electronic commerce and the Internet in the UK and Ireland, Steve Hedly, 2007
- Cyberlaw - Problems of Policy and Jurisprudence in the Information Age - Bellia, Berman, Post, 2007
- Sharing Access to Intellectual Property Through Private Ordering / Severine Dusollier, 2007
- Code version 2.0 / Lawrence Lessig, 2006
- Digital Copyright / Jessica Litman, 2006
- Computer Crime Law / Orin S. Kerr, 2006
- Multistakeholder diplomacy: challenges and opportunities, DiploFoundation, 2006
- Crossing the executive digital divide: the course book. A jargon-free guide to what it takes to gain value out of expenditures in information technologies and to sensibly manage their risks / Eduardo Gelbstein, 2006
- Open Source Licensing: software freedom and intellectual property law / Lawrence Rosen, 2005
- Internet Governance: issues, actors and divides / Jovan Kurbalija, Eduardo Gelbstein, 2005
- Personal Data Protection: policy and practice in the EU accession and new member states / Centre for Policy Modernisation, 2005
- How the Internet Works / preston Gralla; illustrated by Michael Troller, 2004
- Freedom and Responsibility: Yearbook 2004, OSCE, 2005
- Internet Law: text and materials / Chris Reed, 2004
- Promises to Keep: technology, law, and the future of enterntainment/ William W. Fisher III, 2004
- Cyberlaw - Text and Cases/ Ferrera, Lichtenstein, Reder, Bird, Schiano, 2004
- Securing your business: a companion for small or entrepreneurial companies to the 2002 OECD Guidelines for the scurity of network and information systems: towards a culture of security, International Chamber of Commerce, 2004
- Telecoms liberalization: an international business guide for policymakers, International Chamber of Commerce, 2004
- Information Technology Security Handbook / by George Sadowsky, James X. Dempsey, Alan Greenberg, Barbara J. Mack, Alan Schwartz, 2003
- Implementing the EU Copyright Directive; Ian Brown, 2003
- Privacy and Human Rights 2003: an international survey of privacy laws and developments, 2003, Electronic Privacy Information Center
- From Quill to Cursor: Freedom of the Media in the Digital Era. papers from the Workshop on Freedom of the Media and the Internet: Vienna, 30 November 2002, 2003
- Spreading the Word on the Internet: 16 answers to 4 questions. Reflections on Freedom of the Media and the Internet. Amsterdam Conference, June 2003, 2003
- The Impact of Media Concentration on Professional Journalism / Researcher: Johannes von Dohnanyi; assisting: Christian Moeller, 2003
- Information security assurance for executives: an international business companion to the 2002 OECD Guidelines for the security of networks and information systems: towards a culture of security, International Chamber of Commerce, 2003
- Privacy toolkit: an international business guide for policy makers, nternational Chamber of Commerce, 2003
- Internet law and business handbook: a practical guide / J. Dianne Brinson, Mark F. Radcliffe, 2000
- Internet law and business handbook: a practical guide / J. Dianne Brinson, Mark F. Radcliffe, 2000
- Code and other laws of cyberspace / Lawrence Lessig, 1999
- CyberLaw: the Law of the Internet / Jonathan Rosenoer, 1997
- Essentials of Business Law and the Regulatory Environment / Terry Morehead Dworkin, A. James Barnes, Eric L. Richard, 1995
Carti Drept ITC in limba franceza
- L'Europe dans la Societe de l'Information/ coordination : Frederic Peron, 2008
- Le droit du commerce electronique / Olivier d"Auzon, 2004