Numele meu pe Internet, numele tau pe Internet ! Mai vrei sa-l stergi ?
Alin Popescu scrie in ultimul numar din Saptamina Financiara un nou articol interesant care detalieza problema pe care Google o are in SUA cu Departamentul de Justitie, care incearca sa utilizeze informatiile personale pe care super-motorul de cautare le detine. (povestea a mai fost redata si de cei de la Pandecte OnLine cu ceva timp inainte).
Google refuza, se ajunge la proces si judecatorul va decide.
Ma rog, poveste are farmecul si interesul ei, dar ceea ce ma nelinisteste pe mine este tendinta din ce in ce mai bine definita de a se pierde orice fel de intimitate in momentul in care te dai pe Internet.
Undeva ar trebui sa existe o balanta, dar zau ca deocamdata mi se pare inclinata rau de tot .
Iar toate povestea asta vine dupa ce saptamina trecuta mentionasem in EDRI-Gram 4.2 cazului unui Hacker german decedat al carui nume ajunsese online pe wikipedia (o enciclopedie mondiala), desi el a tinut mortis toata viata ca toate lumea sa i se adreseze doar cu porecla binecunoscuta.
Si asa aflam ca de fapt, Wikipedia nu are nici un fel de Privacy Policy . Uuppss... :-)
-- Tocmai am aflat pe se pare ca maine se va da o decizie pe tema asta.. in tribunalul din Germania.
Vezi si articolul complet despre cazul mai jos :
German Wikipedia back on the Internet
2 February, 2006
The German version of the worldwide encyclopaedia Wikipedia was offline for three days, after a legal complaint filed by the parents of a hacker who's real name was mentioned online.
Tron was a German hacker and phreaker who found a controversial death in 1998. Amongst other things, Tron broke the security of the German phonecard by producing working clones. He was also known for his diploma thesis where he created the Cryptophon, which was one of the first public implementations of a telephone with built-in voice encryption.
The Berlin court issued a preliminary interdiction on 17 January against access to the German domain, as a redirect to the German Wikipedia version.
The preliminary interdiction did forbid the redirect as long as the family name was online in the article at However, the public decision of German Wikipedia was to keep the name due the general policy not to interfere with the content of the Wikipedia Encyclopaedia at all.
For 3 days was offline, but it was still possible to access the German contents through the .org address, hosted in the United States. .
The supporters of Tron's parents tried to solve the matter in an out-of-court settlement, but without success. They have raised questions regarding the conflict of handling personal data in an "open content" system and the fact that Wikipedia does not have a privacy policy in place.
A first decision in this matter will probably be taken at the beginning of February 2006.
Berlin court issues provisional order against the Wikimedia Foundation (19.01.2006)
German Wikipedia back up amid lawsuit (20.01.2006)
Tron (hacker) - page on
Some background material about this case (in German only)

Comment from: Pandecte OnLine
Comment from: bogdan
Ok, am facut modificarea.
BTW, cred ca cei de la revista Pandecte inca nu au site.. :-(
Comment from: Pandecte OnLine
Apreciem promtitudinea :). Va multumim.
Comment from: Pandecte OnLine
Daca va referiti la revista “PANDECTELE ROMANE", intr-adevar, nu au site!
Desi cuvantul “pandecte” este un cuvand descriptiv si nimeni nu-si poate aroga vreun drept asupra lui… pentru a evita orice confuzie cu anumite marci inregistrate care au in componenta lor cuvantul “pandecte” (ai caror titulari nu au nici o legatura cu site-ul nostru), dorim sa precizam ca numele complet al site-ului este “Pandecte OnLine, Blog juridic". Din acest motiv, ar fi indicat sa se precizeze cel putin “Pandecte OnLine".