Recomandarea Consiliului Europei cu privire la libertatea de exprimare si utilizarea filtrelor pe Internet
Pentru ca vorbeam acum citeva zile despre faptul ca Internetul intelege cenzura ca pe un obstacol si il ocoleste, iata ca chiar in acceai zi Consiliul de Ministri ai Consiliului Europei a adoptat o Recomandare cu privire la masurile de a promova respectarea libertatii de exprimare si informarea cu privire la filtrele de Internet.
Pentru ca subiectul protectiei copiilor pe Internet si metodele implementate pentru a permite utilizarea sigura a Internetului pot intra in conflict cu libertatea de exprimare mai ales prin utilizarea sau impunerea unor filtre care nu rezolva problema, apreciez Recomandarea ca un document echilibrat ce reuseste sa puncteze citeva principii extrem de important de folosit in momentul in care se discuta despre aceste subiecte : informarea cu privire la existenta filtrelor, activarea, dezactivarea si functionarea lor, dezbaterea cu privire la avantajele si dezavantajele filtrelor pentru continutul daunator la recomandari catre sectorul public si privat referitor la masurile practice referitoare la filtre si inutilitatea si ilegalitatea filtrarii la nivel general si nu la nivelul fiecarui utilizator.
Mai jos le-am copiat pe cele din urma :
III. Use and application of Internet filters by the public and private sector
Notwithstanding the importance of empowering users to use and control filters as mentioned above, and noting the wider public service value of the Internet, public actors on all levels (such as administrations, libraries and educational institutions) which introduce filters or use them when delivering services to the public, should ensure full respect for all users’ right to freedom of expression and information and their right to private life and secrecy of correspondence.
In this context, member states should:
i. refrain from filtering Internet content in electronic communications networks operated by public actors for reasons other than those laid down in Article 10, paragraph 2, of the European Convention on Human Rights, as interpreted by the European Court of Human Rights;
ii. guarantee that nationwide general blocking or filtering measures are only introduced by the state if the conditions of Article 10, paragraph 2, of the European Convention on Human Rights are fulfilled. Such action by the state should only be taken if the filtering concerns specific and clearly identifiable content, a competent national authority has taken a decision on its illegality and the decision can be reviewed by an independent and impartial tribunal or regulatory body, in accordance with the requirements of Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights;
iii. introduce, where appropriate and necessary, provisions under national law for the prevention of intentional abuse of filters to restrict citizens’ access to lawful content;
iv. ensure that all filters are assessed both before and during their implementation to ensure that the effects of the filtering are proportionate to the purpose of the restriction and thus necessary in a democratic society, in order to avoid unreasonable blocking of content;
v. provide for effective and readily accessible means of recourse and remedy, including suspension of filters, in cases where users and/or authors of content claim that content has been blocked unreasonably;
vi. avoid the universal and general blocking of offensive or harmful content for users who are not part of the group which a filter has been activated to protect, and of illegal content for users who justifiably demonstrate a legitimate interest or need to access such content under exceptional circumstances, particularly for research purposes;
vii. ensure that the right to private life and secrecy of correspondence is respected when using and applying filters and that personal data logged, recorded and processed via filters are only used for legitimate and non-commercial purposes.

Comment from: monica banu
Recunosc imposibilitatea aplicarii documentului in tari straine insa apreciez deschiderea sau aparitia unei noi revolutii in internet www2 . Japonia lucreaza….
In afara de implicatiile politice si sociale, documentul in sine nu prea are valoare juridica neputand fi impus la nivelul niciunei tari membre. Este oricum de apreciat efortul.
Daca tot vb de libertatea de exprimare a Internet userului, momentul adoptarii recomandarii coincide si cu cateva initiative private :)